Multi-Robot Local Motion Planning Using Dynamic Optimization Fabrics

Saray Bakker* Luzia Knoedler* Max Spahn Wendelin Böhmer Javier Alonso-Mora
TU Delft, *both authors contributed equally

This paper is presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Multi-Robot & Multi-Agent Systems (MRS), 2023..


In this paper, we address the problem of real-time motion planning for multiple robotic manipulators that operate in close proximity. We build upon the concept of dynamic fabrics and extend them to multi-robot systems, referred to as Multi-Robot Dynamic Fabrics (MRDF). This geometric method enables a very high planning frequency for high-dimensional systems at the expense of being reactive and prone to deadlocks. To detect and resolve deadlocks, we propose Rollout Fabrics where MRDF are forward simulated in a decentralized manner. We validate the methods in simulated close-proximity pick-and-place scenarios with multiple manipulators, showing high success rates and real-time performance.